Friday, March 13, 2009

Parker-ism- things that make him go hmmm

This morning after trying on his sisters Heeley's.

Parker: Mom I think these are out of gas or air or something
Me: Why Buddy
Parker: Cause I can't get them to skate pretty well...

While laying in bed...
Parker: Mom, you know how there are black and white sheep?
Me : Yeah
Parker: How come there isn't one this color-- (points to gray)
Me: Good question?!?

Another night time thought...
Parker: Did you know that a fly trap could bite off your finger?
Me: (thinking about sticky flytraps) No buddy, I don't think so.
Parker: Yeah they could, They have mungus jaws and really sharp teeth, and can grab you.
Me: (Oh, now I get it--Venus Flytraps) They still can't bite your finger off.
Parker: Have you ever let one try?!? 
Me: Nope (you win this round...)
Parker: Let's get one and have the girls try it...! Giggle, giggle.

After going to the Post Office to pick up the chickens that Justin ordered-
Parker: Can I see?
Parker: OH, That is where baby chickens come from!!!
Mom & Dad will just leave it at that...

One day out of the blue-
Parker: Mom, I don't want to grow up. (kind of gets a little misty eyed)
Me: Why Bud? You won't grow up for a long time.
Parker: Because, then I have to kiss girls- and I think that is so SICK!
Me: You don't ever have to kiss a girl if you don't want too 
Parker: (really teary) But Sadie and Megan said I do and it has to be Chloe (our next door neighbor)
Me: No you don't, I will talk to the girls
Parker: If Chloe tries to kiss me I am going to punch her.
Me: Don't hit girls buddy, just don't let her kiss you...
Parker: That is gross, I might get a disease or something...
Just keep thinking that bud, just keep thinking that...


Sherry Parker said...

Nice...He sounds like quite the character! Yeah don't let those girls kiss you they are gross!!!

Unknown said...

So Cute! Trey doesn't want to get older than 18, because then you have to pay taxes and pay for a car even though it is already yours.
Call me when Justin is back and we will plan "La Dolce Vida" night :)

Hogan Family said...

I just love that Parker. Is that what I should expect with a boy? Funny boys.

stephanie said...

what a cutie! I love the funny things kids say. it is when of the highlights of being a mom

Marilee said...

I heart Parks! He is a little smartie pants! Oh and.... where do chickens come from, Jilly? I want to be there when you have a good explanation for that!

Shelly said...

That made Aaron and I laugh. I'm excited to come see you guys. Andy said something about La Dolce Vida...little green over here!

Brittney said...

That is hillarious! Danny and I got a good laugh. I love the one about the heelys being out of gas. That is priceless.

jennie said...

oh how I love that Parker boy! the looks he gives when he's thinkin' deep are enough to kill me! what a lucky Momma to have such adoreable little lady killers!

Melissa said...

I love Parker man! They boys are dying to hang out with him and gather more eggs.