Sadie-B-Bug is TEN!
What a race of a decade-
SCARY how fast that went...
Here are my top ten favorite memories of you (so far)
1- when you were about 6 weeks old you showed us your talking skillz in the back of the car and babbled on for a good 20 minutes to nanny cowan...
2- when you were two-ish you developed your bionic nose and could be brought out of a deep sleep by ANY smell
3- when you were three and we took you to disneyland to meet belle- the sweetness in your hug and "i've waited my whole life to meet you" made dad cry
4- "i need to tell you sumpthing", "no touching my" and "snapping turtle"
5- your singing - to ANYONE who would listen... "wonderful female, wonderful day" from zippity do da and who could forget -- opera A, B, C's?
6- your no fear attitude- be it a two story water slide, rip roaring roller coasters or tubing behind the boat- you are the first to volunteer...
7- my girly girl in dress-up clothes spinning in a circle
8- the day you "called" nanny on the cell phone and talked to her for 10 minutes before i realized that you really did call her and she really was talking back
9- the way you used to rub my ear when i would hold you- people would beg to hold you for that reason- it felt so good!
10- my spelling b champ! what a proud day!
I could go on but those are some of my favorites! I hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday to my Sadie Lady Drama Mama!
Wow! Happy Birthday, Sadiebug! Aw, what a beautiful girl you are, inside and out! You are growing up so wonderfully. You are one lucky young lady--you have truly incredible parents who love you to pieces! We, too, are proud of you : ) Hugs & Love from George & Christy
Haapy Birthday Sadie! You are such a sweet girl. And like your mom, I can't believe you are ten either!
My favorites are 3, 8, 9 (: She is such a sweetie.
Loves:: Haley
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