Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No More Monkey's!

I don't have any pictures but I wanted to tell you what we did today...

My little monkey TJ was playing in the bubbles while I washed dishes last night. He was having a blast and must have forgotten that he was teetering on a bar stool. I was washing, he was splashing one second and he was screaming and I was freaking out the next. He had tried to take another step (i think) to get the big bubbles and fell down on our slate kitchen floor. ouch! He was so sad and just wanted his Daddy. (How come these major things always happen when Dad's are let's say, on the other side of the US?!?)
His foot was red but nothing to major. But he wouldn't walk on it. I called the after hours nurse and waited on hold for (no lie) 15 minutes. The nurse said, and you will love this... " We close in an hour and a half and it takes longer than that to get an xray and have the Doctor look at it, so why don't you give him some motrin and call back tomorrow... really. that is it. you want me to let my poor baby suffer? geez, even if it isn't broken, have some empathy. i can't wait til you have kids...
So today I called the Doctor and he said to bring him in. He looked at it and then watched  him walk and then sent us for an xray. What a delightful experience that was... Screams so loud you thought there was a torture device there...
Then we waited and waited some more. I am not a patient person.... Still more waiting, all I could think about was bathing a casted two year old foot. and then yesss. a phone call and relief. NOT BROKEN! just a bad sprain and a gimpy little walk to go with it, but it is so cute..
Happy days are here again! 


Jann said...

Poor kid! And stupid nurse. That's the benefit of knowing someone in EMS. And also the benefit of me not telling the nurse to shove it, I'm coming in whether it's inconvenient or not. :)

I'm glad he's okay, though!

Jann said...

I meant the benefit of me being not afraid to tell the nurse to shove it....

Sherry Parker said...

I love the waiting time.....argghh!!! I also love when the nurses are oh so helpful! Poor little guy.

Marilee said...

poor baby teejers! glad it's not broken!

jennie said...

oh! poor baby Teej! what a meany nurse! looser pants lady! it bad that I kinda wnat to see the gimpy little walk? am I mean for that? oh crap! I am!