Monday, February 4, 2008

We will be Back to "Normal" soon

Whatever Normal is....
We are getting our computer back this week.
That means that I can finish the family intro's and finally post Parker and his new "pets".
We ate chicken yesterday and I had to explain to the little man that I did not kill his pet "Mumbo".
I kindly explained that as much as Daddy wants to pretend that we are farmers... We are not! I have no intention of de-feathering, gutting or deboning a chicken, much less killing it.

Parker looked at me with those killer eyes and said "So we will just kill the eggs?!?"

Yuck! Can't win for losing...
Hopefully he won't need years of therapy!


Shelly said...

Just when I had put eggs back on my "Okay to Eat" list after years and years ago you said something about them and chickens...ummmm... cycles.
Thanks, Parks!

jennie said...

ha ha ha! Farmer Jill and her cowboy Son PARKS!!! you should write a childrens story explaining why you dont mind KILLING BABY CHICKENS!!! he he he he... I'd like to see those illustrations! anyway, that Parker is one smart lil' guy! I'll still eat eggs, even if they do have alot to do with chickens....ummmmm....cycles!

Superflymama said...

Chickens are ok to kill being as how they are distantly related to pigeons...those ugly murderous venom filled little vermin that haunt my dreams. Love Jonny.

Anyway Jill, I love your blog. I love to hear your stories. Your kids are so dang cute. Amy