Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Funny thing about Teej.... Confessions of an OCD thumb- sucker

Teej has always had a love for his thumb. It is great cause it is always there for him and it never gets lost. I also never have to find his binky during the night, bonus!

Lately he can't suck his thumb with out his taggie. He loves silky blanket tags. You know, the ones that say how to wash and care for them. He is the true living Linus off of Charlie Brown. He grabs the tag, rubs it together with his thumb and finger while he sucks the other thumb. It is instant gratification for him...
We always carry a spare but this night we forgot to grab it. Smart little fella found his own, right in the back of his shirt. Nice, real nice.
He has also located the taggies on the kitchen towels, carseat headrest and Justin's ties. His all time favorite find was in the back of one of the Brown's shirts, I believe it was Mariannes or Ferdies but he was excited none the less.
To put it plainly, he may look like he needs a helmet/ padded room/ ticket for the short bus but I think he may just be smart. While all of his co-harts in his age group all bawl about what they may need, he just finds what he can to make do... I know this may sound like I am pushing the limit but really, look at him- He is just a kid who loves his thumb- with a slight obsession to all things silky!

Loves to the OCD kid.


Superflymama said...

Yay Tjers! He is seriously the funniest little boy. I love your little OCD boy. He is so cute and so smart. TJ knows whats up.

Jann said...

That's funny. But aren't we always trying to teach our kids how to self-soothe? Sounds like he's just really resourceful at it to me! How cute!

Marianne said...

He can rub my tag anytime he wants to!! I LOVE the tag makes me smile!

janegirl said...

That is so stinkin cute! How old is he now? Olivia still loves her thumb and she is almost 3.

Shelly said...

I love posts like this! The ones that let you in on the little quirks and cute things about the nieces and nephews you love, but don't really know because you live far far away. Thanks for posting this. And, on a side note, will you please have Andy send me an invite to her blog? Thanks!

jennie said...

HUGEUNGUS Loves to the OCD kid! I love that Teejers Baby, and his thumb sucking, tag finding habits...I also love his little MAN voice! Loves!

Sherry Parker said...

He's got some mad critical thinking skills....He is too cute!

Marilee said...

we heart teej! he is a smart lil' fella! we love that little thumb sucker.... and tag getter!

David and Janalee said...

so cute! I have a bunch of tags in Cali that he is sure to love, you just need to bring him here...but pack a few extra emergancy tags for your ride through Nevada, that state with all its sage brush glory is enough to put anyone over the edge...or make a grown woman suck her thumb and find a tag to rub!
Hugs to Tjers baby!

Melissa said...

Love it! When we babysat him, he layed down on our couch, put his thumb in his mouth and found the tag on our stinking cute!

DENISE said...

Hey Jill I am adding you to our Class Blog Site. I hope you don't mind. We have several classmates on there.

The address is

Let me know if you know of anyone else from our class with blogs.